Tropical Storm Hermine in Texas

Tropical storm Hermine hit Texas hard yesterday. Severe flooding occurred in many areas and some tornados even touched down here in the North Texas area. When I was driving home yesterday, I saw some clouds and circulation that were indications of tornadic activity. Did you see any weather changes that hinted to you that tornados may be on the way?

Check out this video of flooding.

Check out this video of a tornado in Texas.

Tropical Storm Hermine

Have you heard the tropical storm Hermine is going to hit the coast of Mexico and Texas? The storm shouldn't pick up enough energy to become a hurricane (74 mph winds to become a hurricane). Southern Texas will be getting a lot of rain. Have you seen Dallas' weather forecast? We'll be getting some rain here too!

Check out this video

Think back to last year!!! Do you remember how a hurricane gains energy? What type of clouds bring thunderstorms?

Life at Deep Sea Vents

Hydrothermal deep sea vents are places where amazing life forms exist. These lifeforms live deep under the sea where there is no sunlight! It's incredibly interesting to learn how life forms here exist and survive.

Click here to check out scientist Jeffrey Marlow's blog post about exploring deep sea vents.

In the next few weeks of class we will be asking ourselves--What is life? --What conditions do we need for life to exist?